The P12 Initiative provides you the tools to show how your college or department makes a difference. Resources such as the P12 Inventory database offer a wealth of information to identify and promote scholarly outreach and engagement activities.

Faculty and Researchers
The P12 Initiative works closely with Ohio schools and communities to establish partnerships for your upcoming research activities. See where your peers are doing their great work in schools and communities.

Schools and Community Organizations
Ohio State has a variety of opportunities for Ohio youth to build on what they have learned in the classroom. From summer camps and learning laboratories to career exploration and exhibitions on campus, P12 can connect you to them all.
Featured Program
Mentoring Latino Youth
LASER (Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research) provides high school students academic mentoring with Ohio State students. The after-school program focuses on college preparation and includes special workshops for parents. LASER serves about 80 Columbus City School high school students each year who meet at Ohio State’s Columbus campus, at local libraries and city schools.